Where is the WCHF office located?
Our office is located on the fourth floor of Women’s College Hospital, one block north of College Street and a short block west of Bay Street. We can be reached at:
Women’s College Hospital
76 Grenville Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1B2 -
What is your registered charitable number?
Women’s College Hospital Foundation’s Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number is: 119302628 RR0001
What is your privacy policy?
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. Please click here for our web site privacy statement or download our full privacy policy.
What is the volunteer leadership structure of the Foundation?
A dedicated volunteer Board of Directors governs the Foundation. Please click here for a list of our Board of Directors.
You can also learn more about different volunteer opportunities with the Foundation and Women’s College Hospital by clicking here.
How can I get a copy of your publications?
Thank you for your interest! You can download a copy of any of our publications by visiting our Publications page, or you can request hard copies by sending an e-mail to foundation@wchospital.ca.
How do I volunteer with WCHF?
For information about volunteer opportunities with the Foundation or hospital, please visit our Volunteer page.
How can I be removed from your mailing list?
To be removed from our mailing list, please contact us at 416-323-6323 or foundation@wchospital.ca. Please include your name and current address in your message.
What is your complaint policy?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns. You can view our complaint policy by clicking here.
How can I sign up for your email list?
To be added to our email list, click here.